Turning to MaryAs we age, we can turn to Mary, the mother of Jesus, the mother of the Church, to grow in affection for her and to learn from her, as rely upon her for help. Her Magnificat is a marvelous prayer for our journey. She can...
Praying As We AgePrayer is essentially about nurturing our relationship with God. We can have a relationship with each of the persons of the Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We can also have a relationship with the saints. As we...
Most loving God, Creator of us all, we turn to you to care for your people in need. We thank you for your presence among us and the peace you offer us. Send us your Spirit to fill us with courage and hope, so that we might be your...
Developing some new practices which might serve us well in the futureSome of the new practices we can develop are fitting for maintaining a connected, relational prayer life, as we grow older. We can begin by reflecting on a plan which...
Preparing to age, spirituallyJust as physical exercise can help us stay fit longer and prepare for the physical effects of aging, so, too, spiritual exercising can help us prepare for the transition in our relationship with God and with...
Aging can have blessings and challenges for us, as we ageIt has been said that the great advantage of getting older is that we have learned from the mistakes we’ve made before. So often, one of the great blessings of the maturity of...
Judging Others? Or Ourselves?We often see things very clearly. We can look at the famous illusion and we know, we insist – we can argue clearly – that we see a young woman. Or an old one.The truth is that we don’t always see the whole...
An Even Better MarriageFrom Newlywed to Long-TimerThose of us who are married all want happy marriages. Some of us have angry, troubled marriages. Some of us have ok marriages, but maybe we have drifted into boredom or lack of interest...
“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”Numbers 6:24-26. https://www.bible.com/bible/114/NUM.6.24-26.NKJV
This morning, when I consider the Liturgical readings assigned to Wednesday of the week before Pentecost, I recognized that those readings are parts of “farewell addresses”— Luke’s narrative of Paul’s farewell to the elders of the church...